Frequently Asked Questions - Indiana Hearing Aid

Jul 15, 2021

About Naab Road Surgical Center

Welcome to Naab Road Surgical Center! As a leading healthcare facility in Indiana, we strive to provide exceptional surgical and medical services to our patients. With a specialized focus on hearing health, our team of professionals is dedicated to helping you find the best solution for your hearing needs.

Hearing Aid FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about hearing aids:

1. How do hearing aids work?

Hearing aids are sophisticated electronic devices designed to amplify sounds for individuals with hearing loss. They consist of a microphone, amplifier, speaker, and battery. The microphone picks up sounds, the amplifier processes the signals, and the speaker delivers the amplified sound into the ear. Advances in technology have made modern hearing aids more discreet and effective than ever before.

2. Who can benefit from hearing aids?

Hearing aids are beneficial for individuals with varying degrees of hearing loss. Whether you are experiencing mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss, a hearing aid can help improve your ability to communicate and engage with the world around you. If you are struggling to hear conversations, asking others to repeat themselves frequently, or noticing difficulty understanding speech, it may be time to consider a hearing aid.

3. What are the different types of hearing aids?

There are several types of hearing aids available, including:

  • In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing aids: Custom-made to fit comfortably in the outer ear
  • Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids: Rests behind the ear and connects to a custom earpiece
  • Receiver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aids: Similar to BTE aids, with the receiver located in the ear canal
  • In-the-Canal (ITC) and Completely-in-the-Canal (CIC) hearing aids: Small and discreet, fitting partially or completely in the ear canal

4. How do I choose the right hearing aid for me?

Choosing the right hearing aid depends on various factors, including the severity of your hearing loss, your lifestyle, and personal preferences. During a comprehensive hearing evaluation at Naab Road Surgical Center, our team of specialists will assess your hearing and help guide you in selecting the most suitable hearing aid. Factors such as comfort, technology features, and budget will also be considered to ensure you receive the best possible solution.

5. How long does it take to adjust to wearing hearing aids?

Adjusting to wearing hearing aids can vary depending on the individual. It typically takes a few weeks to several months to fully adapt to using hearing aids. Initially, sounds may appear loud or unfamiliar, but with time, your brain will adjust and relearn to interpret the amplified sounds. Our experienced audiologists will provide guidance and support throughout the adjustment process to help you achieve optimal hearing clarity.

6. How often should I have my hearing aids serviced or cleaned?

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your hearing aids are essential to ensure they function optimally. We recommend scheduling regular appointments with our hearing care professionals to have your hearing aids inspected, cleaned, and adjusted as needed. Generally, it is advised to have your hearing aids professionally serviced at least once every 6 months.

7. Can I wear hearing aids while swimming or showering?

Hearing aids are susceptible to water damage, so it is generally not recommended to wear them while swimming or showering. However, there are water-resistant or waterproof hearing aids available that can withstand exposure to certain levels of moisture. If you have specific needs or requirements, our knowledgeable team can guide you in selecting appropriate hearing aids for your lifestyle.

8. How much do hearing aids cost?

The cost of hearing aids can vary depending on the type of device, technology features, and additional services included. At Naab Road Surgical Center, we offer a range of hearing aids to accommodate different budgets. During your consultation, our audiologists will discuss the pricing options available and help you find the best solution that meets your needs and financial considerations.

9. Does insurance cover the cost of hearing aids?

While not all insurance plans cover hearing aids, some do offer coverage or partial reimbursement for hearing aid-related expenses. It is recommended to review your insurance policy or contact your insurance provider directly to understand the extent of coverage available to you. Our knowledgeable staff can also assist in verifying and exploring insurance options during your visit.

10. Are there any financing options available for hearing aids?

Yes, at Naab Road Surgical Center, we understand that hearing aids are an investment in your overall well-being. We offer flexible financing options to help make hearing aids more affordable. Our team can discuss the available financing plans, including monthly payment options, to ensure you can receive the best hearing solution without financial burden.


We hope these frequently asked questions have provided valuable insights into the world of hearing aids. At Naab Road Surgical Center, we are committed to delivering exceptional hearing care and personalized solutions. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards enhanced hearing and improved quality of life.

Nidhi Gupta
This article is a lifesaver! 😊 It's great to have all these clear answers in one place. Definitely recommending it to friends and family!
Nov 10, 2023
Great resource! Clear answers to common questions about hearing aids. Very helpful.
Oct 6, 2023