Shiao Woo, M.D. Named President of the MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society

Mar 13, 2023

Welcome to Naab Road Surgical Center, where we bring you the latest news and updates from the field of health and medicine. Today, we are thrilled to share the exciting news that Dr. Shiao Woo has been named the President of the MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society.

As leaders in the healthcare industry, we understand the importance of recognizing the great contributions made by individuals who strive to make a difference in their respective fields. Dr. Shiao Woo's appointment as the President of the MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society is a testament to his exceptional skills, expertise, and dedication to advancing the field of radiation oncology.

Who is Dr. Shiao Woo?

Dr. Shiao Woo is a highly accomplished and renowned physician in the field of radiation oncology. With years of experience and a passion for patient care, Dr. Woo has established himself as a respected authority in the industry.

After completing his medical education, Dr. Woo joined MD Anderson Cancer Center, one of the leading cancer centers in the world. He has dedicated his career to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to cancer patients, specializing in radiation oncology.

MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society

The MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society is an esteemed organization that recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of exceptional individuals in the field of radiation oncology. Named after the renowned Gilbert H. Fletcher, a pioneer in radiation oncology, this society serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and innovation in the field.

Dr. Shiao Woo's appointment as the President of the MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society is a well-deserved recognition of his contributions to the field. His leadership, experience, and commitment to advancing radiation oncology make him an ideal choice for this prestigious position.

Advancements in Radiation Oncology

Radiation oncology is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of cancer using radiation therapy. Over the years, significant advancements have been made in this field, offering new hope and improved outcomes for cancer patients.

Dr. Shiao Woo, with his vast knowledge and expertise, has played a pivotal role in driving these advancements in radiation oncology. His research, clinical trials, and innovative treatment approaches have contributed significantly to improving patient outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for cancer survivors.

Impact on Patient Care

Dr. Shiao Woo's appointment as the President of the MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society will undoubtedly have a profound impact on patient care and the future of radiation oncology. His leadership and vision will further elevate the standards of treatment, promote collaboration among industry professionals, and contribute to breakthroughs in cancer research.

Patients can have confidence in the fact that they are receiving the highest level of care when they visit Naab Road Surgical Center for their radiation oncology needs. Dr. Woo's expertise, combined with our state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate team, ensures that each patient receives personalized and effective treatment.


Naab Road Surgical Center is honored to have Dr. Shiao Woo as part of our esteemed team of physicians. His appointment as the President of the MD Anderson Radiation Oncology Gilbert H. Fletcher Society is a reflection of his exceptional skills, dedication, and commitment to advancing the field of radiation oncology.

With Dr. Woo's leadership and expertise, Naab Road Surgical Center remains at the forefront of providing the highest level of care for cancer patients. We are proud to offer advanced radiation oncology treatments and support to our patients, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

Graham Pascoe
Well-deserved recognition!
Nov 8, 2023
Alan Burgers
Congratulations, Dr. Shiao Woo! 🎉 A well-deserved honor for your outstanding achievements! 👏
Oct 12, 2023